"Unfortunately, I find it necessary to screen calls more often than usual these days, so If you call the studio and get the Voicemail...please DO leave a message and the best way to get back to you. I DO return your phone call...sometimes immediately, but always within 8-24 hours."
" Why don't you ever seem to answer when I call you? Are you THAT busy?"
" I HATE speaking to a voicemail/answering machine. I want to speak to a real person.
" I refuse to speak to anything other than a human and will just take my business elsewhere, then".
"What the heck!? Did you fart? "
Me: "No. Spoof is the reason I have to screen my calls and answer them at some other time, usually a most INCONVENIENT time for both myself and my client.
And I hate that things are this way. It goes against my Business standards of practice and exemplary customer service...and personally-speaking, it's unsavory practice in-general, imo.
It costs me business and RUINS my reputation before it is even established."

Look at this:
302 629 9144 , 302 255 3176, 1 337 357 9614 X4 in 3 minutes, 302 573 4334, 336 729 9396, 336 729 3896 X 2 within minutes, 302 2773 5925, 302 775 728, 302 298 8862, 302 765 5130, 1 520 636 2314, 302 266 5299, 320 437 0807, 302 660 4911, 302 824 7833, 302 316 0477, 302 497 1525, 302 709 2759....and PAGES MORE full of legitimate phone numbers taken straight from the phone book (albeit online these days), online business websites, contacts and digital address books.
In other words PUBLIC information.
Now some of those phone numbers come up on the caller ID as "United States Government", "Wells Fargo""Hertrich"....even "Capitol One".
I know because I'm watching the Caller ID window as it rings while I wait to see if they leave a message.
"New Voicemail" Oh yay!
People are calling left and right to schedule #Portrait sessions or better yet; #Headshots! (And thank GOODNESS, because I am going to lose my home and/or close my doors permanently pretty soon if I can't get business coming in FAST! Everything is two months behind.)
"Eeeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe, WHICH bill must I fore-go"!?!
*Listening to messages *
This is Search Business Listings. Your customers cannot find you on search engines. Please remain on the line to speak with a representative... or press 4 to opt out!" (Or 1 or 3 ...or whatever the Spoof-er Du jour decides to suggest that day. grumble ).
This began as far back as the first week I had this digital Business phone number through Comcast for Business in 2022. I became SO irritated that I requested a different number, and guess what?
Yep! It started all over again.
I'm a MICRO, Solo-preneur Service-provider/BUSINESS.
I HAVE to be listed in order to be FOUND. I have to put that number out there in order for clients to find me (more now than ever, since the move), which the Spoofers know and exploit.
About a decade ago, when I was a gig photographer using my personal unlisted phone number to conduct business, I made the mistake of setting up a free webpage and email so folks could find me there through social media.
One frigid winter's day an elderly man called me and the moment I picked up, started reaming me out:
He: "I want to know WHO THIS IS!!! and WHY do you KEEP CALLING me!?!! I DON'T KNOW you and I DON'T want whatever you're selling!!! STOP CALLING ME!!!!"
Me: (flabbergasted) " Ummmm.... Sir, I don't recognise your name or number on the caller ID. Were you trying to call for a photographer?"
He: " Hell no! YOU called ME and I want you to stop."
Me: " I'm sorry Sir, but you're mistaken. The phone is sitting here right beside me and I haven't used it since early this morning while talking to my husband at work."
"My name is Theresa A Johnson and I'm a Photographer. This phone number is unlisted/private and I haven't made ANY calls in days. I mostly answer them. My call log can show you." I don't know who is calling you using my number but they're not me. I'm sorry."
Now, quite often...my cell phone would ping me some weird place (like Wilmington or New Jersey...when I'm sitting right here in my livingroom in Millsboro De.) at the time....so I thought maybe this was some strange glitch in the technology.
It wasn't then in 2014.... and it isn't NOW in 2025.
Spoofers use the public information, specifically phone numbers to legitimate businesses and legitimately registered/contracted personal phone numbers that are listed with service providers like Verizon, T-Mobile etc. to FRAUDULENTLY goad people into either:
Giving up personal information (when the irritated person FINALLY picks up to reem out who ever is on the other end, the SPoofer tells them they "can clear it up for you by removing your number from our database" or "putting you on our Do Not Call lists" ...the non-existent one, that is... or "To OPT Out" etc. ) Would you like me to do that for you? Yes? Okay first...
"Who am I talking to? "
I mean they should already know if they're legitimate, shouldn't they? THEY called YOU sixty-million-gajillioin times which is why you're so angry and talking to them in the first place. THIS is the HOOK, people. The next thing they should hear is the CLICK! of you hanging up.
DO NOT give them your information. And definitely don't give it to them thinking it will make this stop. On the contrary... this false listing Spoofer is actually some poor slob working a side gig from home "SELLING listings", often thinking they are doing something "good" because the fraudulent listing company has told them they will be paid $1000/week just for making phone calls from home. " Of course, they DON'T make that kind of money, but "one never knows unless you try", right!?
Ask me how I know.
Purchasing a Business Listing (which is ultimately fraudulent and does NOTHING to promote your business nor bring more in the doors). In fact, I've found my name and phone number on FAKE, useless Listing Sites which ask "Is this your business? If so... "Claim It Here" .
Yep. You guessed it ..... ALSO Fake. Don't get me started on THAT one!
"SPOOF" is why I Don't Touch That Phone.
"SPOOF!" is why I screen calls and why my clients and prospective clients have to speak to something other than human to reach me.
"SPOOF" is the new technology- pandemic that isn't so new but seems to generate a new variant every season.
Now.... Where's my can of "SPOOF!-Be-Gone"?
Reporting the numbers to the FTC or other Government agency is pointless. They can't do a thing about it because the numbers are legitimate to legitimate people and/or businesses and there is NO way to know when the true owner or the number is on the other end of the line when you pick up, or a SPOOF!-er. You can't call them back and ask to be removed from the list or "opt-Out" either. All that does is tell the Spoofer that there is a real person on the other end who is ripe for the picking because they're angry and want the hell to stop.
Also PPS: If you ever get a call from 302 536 1330 Taj Portraits or Theresa A Johnson | Portrait Photographer and you DIDN'T call me with an inquiry first:
It's not me. I've been SPOOF!-ed.